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TORREDEMBARRA - Magical holidays in Costa Dorada

2nd edition: Small Detectives of Torredembarra

  • 2023/03/29 10:00 - 2023/12/29 14:00
  • Torredembarra
  • Free
  • 977 644 580
  • turisme@torredembarra.cat

March 29 to December 29, 2023

Browse Torredembarra solving these 30 challenges and win fantastic gifts.

It is a fun activity where children and families discover together details of the village’s culture, geography and history. It consists of overcoming up to 30 challenges.

It should be noted:

  • Any family with children under 13 can participate.
  • We will only accept one challenge booklet per child.
  • Any proof may require equipment. You can ask the Tourist Office.
  • Note that some tests can only be validated on certain dates or months.
  • Prices are not cumulative.
  • Each child can participate only once and claim only one prize, that is gifts for 10, 20 or 30 challenges.
  • Booklets will be accepted until December 29 (included)


Depending on the number of tests passed, we will give you the following prizes at the Tourist Office:

  • 10 CHALLENGES: game THREE-IN-A-ROW  or PUZZLE or fairy tale "Walk in Torredembarra with the aroma of rosemary"
  • 20 CHALLENGES: mug of Torredembarra and tale "Walking in Torredembarra with the aroma of rosemary"
  • 30 CHALLENGES: backpack + notebook + cup + Torredembarra towel

How to make the booklet:

You must present it physically to the Tourist Office, with the form you will find at the end filled in and with the challenges that each child will have solved. You can check our schedules at 977 644 580.


Next to each challenge you will find one of these 4 icons:

The camera indicates that you need to take a photo and teach it when you deliver your challenges.
When you find this icon, write the answer in the same booklet.
Some challenges must be overcome by creating a manual job. Remember that you must also bring it to the Tourist Office.
When you do the activity, the tourism staff will stamp you.
Get your booklet, in the shops of Torredembarra, at the Tourist Office or the Town Hall

See the rules on the following link:

Detective rule

Download your booklet here

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