Festivity of Quadre de Santa Rosalia 2023
- 2023/07/07 20:30 - 2023/07/16
Diferent places of the village, Torredembarra, Tarragona
- To consult
- 977 643 888
- /www.torredembarra.cat
Friday, 7th of July
At 8:30pm, in la plaza de Ia Vila
Open air training (castellers) and Xuclet party
with disc jockey Abadia
Organized by: Colla Castellera Xiquets de Torredembarra
Saturday, 8th of July
At 10am, in Municipal Sports Area or Antoni Roig school
Soccer tournament with 7 entities
Previous registration is mandatory, at: torneofutb017abpt@gmail.com
Price: 3€ per team
Organized by: Agrupación de Bailes Populares de Torredembarra
At 12pm, in la plaza de la Vila
Vermut concert with disc jockey Joan Marco
Organized by: La Virgília, bestia de fuego de Torredembarra
At 6pm, in la plaza de Mossèn Joaquim Boronat
Photo exhibition and photocall
by the associates of FotoAmigo
Organized by: Asociación Cultural Fotoamigo
At 7pm, in la plaza del Escorxador
Child Ballon show
Organized by: Baile de Diablos de Torredembarra
At 8pm, in la plaza del Escorxador
“La rumba del Cuadro” (rumba dance) by Carlos Reiloba
and disc joqueis Joan Marco and Mdmiret
At 8pm, in the patio of Castillo
Introduction of the new wardrobe of the "Nans" (carnival figure with oversized head)
and in the en el patio del Castillo
Exhition of the wardrobe of the "Nans" (carnival figure with oversized head)
Organized by: Agrupación de Bailes Populares de Torredembarra
Sunday, 9th of July
From 11am to 2 pm, in la plaza del Escorxador
Musical vermut Escorxatrònic with the disc jockey "Dj xart"
Organized by: Baile de Diablos de Torredembarra
At 6:30pm, in la placa de la Vila
Casteller Journey, with the Colla Vella Xiquets de Valls,
Castellers de Viladecans and the Colla Castellera Xiquets de Torredembarra
At 8pm, in the Casal Municipal
Concert "Creuer per la Mediterrània" (Mediterranian Cruise) by The Chorus of Santa Rosalia
Tickets at: www.entrapolis.com- Price: 12 €
Organized by:The Chorus of Santa Rosalia
Tuesday, 11th of July
At 8pm, in la plaza de la Vila
Open air training (castellers)
Organized by: Colla Castellera Nois de la Torre
Wednesday, 12th of July
At 8pm, in the patio of the Castillo
Conference: “Del Ball de Santa Rosalia" a “Santa Rosalia” (From Santa Rosalia’s dance to Santa Rosalia)
by Josep Bargalló and Totó Pizzillo
Organized: Centro de Estudios Sinibald de Mas
At 8pm, in la plaza de la Vila
Open air trainig (castellers)
Organiza: Colla Castellera Nois de la Torre
Thursday, 13th of July
At 7pm, at plaza Catalunya
Kids show by the group Els Atrapasomnis
At 10pm, in the Casal Municipal
Dramatized reading "Santa y Rosalia" of Franco Scaldati,
adapted by Carles Marquès.
With the cooperation of the theater el Nus Escènic
Friday, 14th of July
La Vigilia and the dance of Fiesta Mayor
At 12pm, in la plaza del Castell
“Trilleo de campanas” (bell ringing) from the chuch of Sant Pere
Apóstol and lightning of fireworks from the castle.
At 7pm, from la plaza del Escorxador
“Pasacalle del Cortejo Popular Infantil” with el Baile de Diablos
Infantil, Virgileta, Mulasseta, Baile de Bastones infantil,
el Baile de Pastorcillos infantil, el Baile del Patatuf, el Baile de Cercolets, la Colla Infantil dels Nois de la Torre and la Colla infatil dels Xiquets de Torredembarra (traditional dances)
Route: descent of Sant Antoni, street of Santa Rosalia, street of Gibert, street of Antoni Roig, plaça de la Font, plaza de la Vila, street of Carnisseria, street of Freginal, descent of Sant Antoni and plaça del Escorxador.
At the end Kids castellers show,
with the Colla infantil dels Nois de la Torre
and the Colla infantil de los Xiquets de Torredembarra
At 10pm, from the paseo de la Sort
"Correfoc"(fire show) by Baile de Diablos de Torredembarra, la Virgília de Torredembarra, el Baile de Diablos de Tarragona, el Baile de Diablos de Vilanova and la Geltrú, el Baile de Diablos de San Quintín de Mediona, el Baile de Diablos de Cervera "Carranquers" and the Víbria of Tarragona.
Route: paseo de Ia Sort, calle Ia Sort, plaça Ia Font, plaça Ia Vila, calle Joan Güell y plaça del Castell.
At 10:30pm, at Cal Llovet
Concert with the orchestra La Nova de Blanes
At 12am, at the parking of Mañé y Flaquer
Concert with the orchestra Angangas and disc jockey "Dj Ceba"
Saturday, 15th of July
The Party. Votive procession
At 8am, in the streets of villa
Mornings, with the Grallers de Ia Torre
At 11am, In the church of Sant Pere Apòstol
Solemn Eucharistic Office,
along with the Chorus of Santa Rosalia
and veneration to the relic of the saint.
At 7pm, from la plaza del Castell
Starting the procession
Route: calle de Freginal, bajada de Sant Antoni, calle de Santa Rosalia, calle de Gibert, calle de Antoni Roig, plaça de Ia Vila and plantada en la calle Joan Güell (in front of the church)
Votive procession of Cuadro de Santa Rosalia,
the Cuadro will go with the Fanfara. The Chorus of Santa Rosalia will sing "villancets", in the street Ample (in front of Cal Saya) and in plaza de la Vila. The “Cortejo Popular”, will perform dances in the street Ample (in front of Cal Saya) and in plaza de la Vila.
Route: from the church of Sant Pere Apòstol, calle Ample, calle Major, plaza de Ia Vila, bajada de Sant Antoni, calle de Freginal, calle de Carnisseria, calle de Joan Güell in front of the church Sant Pere Apòstol.
When arrivrd at the church of Sant Pere Apòstol
Outbreak of music, fire and dances,from the elemetns of the “Cortejo”, veneration of the Cuadro and singing of the Gozos to Santa Rosalia in the church
At 11pm, at the parking of Mañé y Flaquer
Concert performed by the groups, "Acabamos de llegar"
(tribute to Fito & Fitipaldis) and “Els Amics de Manel”
Sunday, 16th of July
The festivity of La Virgen del Carmen
and marine procession and Castillos
At 6:30pm, in plaza de la Vila
Castellers journey of Cuadro, with la Colla Jove Xiquets de
Tarragona, la Colla Joves Xiquets de Valls and los Nois de la Torre
At 7pm, in the church of Sant Joan Baptista of Baix a Mar
Mass of Virgen del Carmen
At 7:45pm, in Baix a Mar
Marine procession, with the picture of Virgen del Carmen
carried by the fisherman to the sea, blessing of the water and singing the Salve (religious song).
Next, in the paseo Colom
Sardana dancing, with la Cobla La Principal of Tarragona
When the procession returns,
from Cal Bofill to plaza de Josep Valls Ibern
Procession, firecrackers and singing of the Gozos
Organized by: Parroquia de Sant Joan Baptista of Baix a Mar
If there are bad wheather conditions, the procession will be suspended.