Fiesta del Cuadro de Santa Rosalia 2022
- 2022/07/09 10:00 - 2022/07/17 21:00
Diferentes lugares del municipio
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Torredembarra, del 9 al 17 de juliol de 2022
- At 10 a.m., in the Municipal Sports Area
Football tournament Fiesta del Cuadro de Santa Rosalia with DJ. Aleix Figueras. Pre-registration at:
Organised by: Agrupació de Balls Populars de Torredembarra (Torredembarra’s Popular Dance Association).
- From 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., in the Municipal Sports Area
Vermouth Concert with Dj. Xart.
Organised by: La Virgilia, bèstia de foc de Torredembarra.
- At 7 p.m., in l'Escorxador Square
Children's Balloon Party
Organised by: Ball de Diables de Torredembarra (Devils' Ball of Torredembarra)
- At 11.30 p.m., in the Plaça del Castell (Castle Square)
Héroes de la Antártida concert (the best tribute to Mecano)
- At 10 a.m., at the Antoni Roig Board of Trustees
Children's activities. Popular and traditional culture. Book in advance at
Organised by: Agrupació de Balls Populars de Torredembarra (Torredembarra Folk Dance Group).
- At 12 noon, in Cal Bofill
Electronic Vermouth with Dj. Ethian Guerrero and Dj. André Vincenzzo
Organised by: Nois de la Torre
- From 6 to 11 p.m., in the Plaça de la Vila
5th anniversary of the Xiquets de Torredembarra, castellers workshop for children and adults. Workshops, games and crafts for children. Concert by Chirimías (gralles) and DJ.
- At 8 p.m., in the Casal Municipal.
Concert Viaggio in Italia, works by Rossini, Donizetti, Mozart and Verdi, by La Coral Santa Rosalia.
Price: 10€. Tickets on sale at
Organised by: Coral Santa Rosalia
- At 8 p.m., in the Castle Courtyard
Presentation of the Agrupació de Balls Populars' domàs (Popular Dance Group's home)
Organised by: Agrupació de Balls Populars de Torredembarra (Torredembarra Folk Dance Group)
- At 8 p.m., in Mossèn Joaquim Boronat Square
Performance by the Choir of the Andalusian Cultural Association of Torredembarra - Baix Gaià, with Carmen Sayago and the accompaniment of Àngel Barrera on guitar.
- At 19 h, in the Castle Courtyard
Soap Party. A good time of dances and songs and to finish, a soaking with coloured foam, water and lots of fun, in charge of the cia. Xip Xap
- At 20:30 h, in the Castle Courtyard
Presentation of the Fiesta Mayor’ T-shirt
THURSDAY, 14th JULY - The vigil and the Festa Major ball
- At 12 o'clock, in the Plaça del Castell
Ringing of bells from the bell tower of Sant Pere Apòstol’ church and launching of rockets from the Castle Tower.
- At 7 p.m., in the Escorxador square
Children's castellers performance, with the Colla infantil dels Nois de la Torre and the Colla infantil dels Xiquets de Torredembarra.
- At the end, from Plaça de l'Escorxador, down Sant Antoni, Santa Rosalia street, Gibert street, Antoni Roig street, de la Font square, de la Vila square, Carnisseria street, Freginal street, down Sant Antoni and del Escorxador square.
Cercavila (Parade) of the Seguici Popular Infantil, with the Ball de Diables Infantil, the Virgilieta, the Mulasseta, the Ball de Bastons Infantil, the Ball de Pastorets Infantil, the Ball del Patatuf, the Ball de Cercolets, the Colla Infantil dels Nois de la Torre and the Colla Infantil dels Xiquets de Torredembarra.
- At 10.30 p.m., from Passeig de la Sort through Carrer de la Sort, Plaça de la Font, Plaça de la Vila, Carrer de Joan Güell and Plaça del Castell.
Correfoc, by the Ball de Diables de Torredembarra, the Virgília de Torredembarra, the Ball de Diables de Tarragona, the Ball de Diables de la Llacuna, the Ball de Diables de Ribes "Colla Jove", the Ball de Diables de Llorenç del Penedès and the Víbria de Tarragona.
- At 10.30 p.m., at Cal Llovet
Concert with the Maravella orchestra
- At 24:00 h, at Cal Llovet
Dance with the Maravella orchestra
- At 24:00 h, in the Castle Square
Concert with the orchestra La Kinky Band and Dj. Ceba.
FRIDAY, 15 JULY - The Feast. The Votive Procession
- At 8 a.m., through the streets of the town.
Madrugadas, with the Grallers de la Torre (Tower Grallers)
- At 11 a.m., in the church of Sant Pere Apòstol
Solemn Eucharistic Office, accompanied by the Santa Rosalia Choir and veneration of the patron saint's relic
- At 7.30 p.m., from the church of Sant Pere Apòstol, Joan Güell street, Ample street, Major street, de la Vila square, de la Font square,Antoni Roig street, Gibert street, Santa Rosalia street, Descent of Sant Antoni, Freginal street, Carnisseria street, Joan Güell street and the church of Sant Pere Apòstol.
Votive procession of the Santa Rosalia Tableau, preceded by the Seguici Popular de la vila. The Tableau will be accompanied by the Fanfara. The Santa Rosalia Choir will perform the "villancets", accompanied by the Fanfara in Ample street (in front of Cal Saya) and in de la Vila square.
- On arrival at the church of Sant Pere Apòstol
Burst of music, fireworks, dance and dances of the followers, veneration of the painting and singing of the "Goigs" to Santa Rosalia inside the church.
- Then, in del Castillo square
Passada del Seguici Popular
- At 11 p.m., in the Castle square
Concert by Piratas Rumbversiones and Vergüenza Ajena
SATURDAY, 16th JULY - The Feast of the Mother of God of Carme and Seafaring Procession
- From 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., in the Escorxador square.
Ball de Diables’ water party with a waterslide
If you want to bring your own inflatable and if it's the most original one you'll get a pack of merchandising from the organisation!
Price: 5€ unlimited slides and 0,50€ one slide.
- And at 12 noon, musical vermouth Escorxatrònic with Dj. Benji
Organised by: Ball de Diables de Torredembarra
- At 11 a.m., in the Castle courtyard
Presentation of the 7th volume of the Encyclopaedia Castellera. Biographical dictionary. From the beginnings in 2000, by Guillermo Soler and David Morlà. Published by Cossetània Edicions.
- At 7 p.m., in the church of Sant Joan Baptista de Baix a Mar
Mare de Déu del Carme Mass
- At 7.45 p.m., in Baix a Marinera
Seafaring procession with the image of Mare de Déu del Carme carried for the fishermen in the sea, blessing of the water and singing of the Salve.
- Then, on Passeig Colom
Sardana dance, with the Cobla La Principal de Tarragona.
- On returning from the seafaring procession, Cal Bofill in Josep Valls Ibern square.
Procession, rocket launching and singing of the "Goigs".
Organised by: Sant Joan Baptista de Baix a Mar parish church.
In the event of adverse sea conditions, the procession will be suspended.
- At 11 p.m., in the Castell Square
Rac 105 Party
SUNDAY, 17th JULY - Los Castells
- At 6 p.m., at de la Vila square
Castellers performance, with the Colla Jove Xiquets de Tarragona, the Colla Joves Xiquets de Valls and the Nois de la Torre.
Protocol Commissions and all the entities and associations that help us, year after year, in the organisation of the different events of the programme.
Responsible consumption:
- We recommend moderate and responsible consumption if you drink alcoholic beverages, and also that you try to eat beforehand.
- If you have to drive, you had better not drink alcohol, as it seriously impairs the faculties necessary for driving.
Respect me:
- The party belongs to everyone. We want it to be free of sexist and homophobic attitudes. Do not allow them.
Safety recommendations to be followed in the places where the fire performances take place:
- Keep doors and windows closed, blinds down, sideboards and glass protected and awnings retracted and protected, and do not have clothes lying around or other similar items.
- Do not place anything that could obstruct the operation or the smooth passage of people.
- Do not light fires or smoke near the bags or trolleys of pyrotechnic material.
- Do not invade the space where they are performing and do not grab or disturb any of their members.
- Maintain appropriate safety distances to prevent sparks and detonations from pyrotechnics.
- Protect yourselves with a hat and/or scarf. Preferably wear cotton or denim clothing, but never synthetic fibre clothing. Wear long trousers and open shoes.
Follow the instructions of the organisers
Organised by:
Ajuntament de Torredembarra